Save the date for WinterFest in Crosslake


WinterFest takes place February 2-4, 2023 with all the traditional events and more! Gather your staff and make plans to host something “extra” to draw folks into your business! Simmer up a pot of soup and vie for a coveted Golden Ladle! Offer a wristband special that is too good to be true! WinterFest is a weekend of good old-fashioned fun for all ages where residents and visitors can enjoy Crosslake hospitality, amenities, fabulous shopping, dining and more!

Please consider a financial sponsorship so the Chamber can continue to offer premium events in our community. In exchange, we’ll provide excellent marketing exposure to showcase your business!

Host an Event
Bring the crowds into your business by hosting a special event: live music, games, karaoke, etc. Your business’s event will be promoted on the event flyer, Crosslake app, and event website.

Deals & Discounts
This year we are selling WinterFest VIP Wristbands and patrons wearing one will be eligible for sweet deals and discounts. Elect to sell the popular wristbands at your business, and your special will be promoted on the Crosslake app and event website.

Souvenir Koozie Promotion
Support WinterFest by offering $3 Coors Light Bottled Beer to patrons with the 2022 WinterFest Souvenir Koozie. We’ll supply you with koozies to sell for $5 each.

Lost WinterFest Medallion
Donate an item for the prize basket awarded to the finder of the Lost WinterFest Medallion!

The crowds will flock to your business to sample your free soup!

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