Reputable Businesses for Storm Damage Repairs

Don't let your tragedy turn into a nightmare!

Brainerd Lakes Chamber of Commerce


Recent storms in Crow Wing and Aitkin counties have left many area residents scrambling to repair extensive property damage. A combination of tornadoes, golf ball-sized hail, and 120 mph wind gusts left a path of destruction from Crosslake’s Whitefish Chain to southeast of Brainerd into the Crosby area.

For residents in search of contractors to repair property damage, the Brainerd Lakes, Crosslake, and Pequot Lakes Chambers are urging individuals to work with reputable businesses. Locals have reported scam artists and phony businesses offering services ranging from tree cleanup to roof repair.

We advise individuals to get referrals from the Chamber, neighbors, and friends. ALWAYS check references and work with an insurance agent to make sure the company is licensed, insured, and bonded. Make sure the price is fair and the contract is proper. Don’t let scams or unreputable businesses take advantage of your tragedy!

Contact your local Chamber for a referral to a reputable contractor or visit our website for a list of trustworthy businesses. There are certainly other local contractors, but our members are the ones we know and trust as supporters of the chamber and community.

Contact your local Chamber for a referral to a reputable contractor or visit our website for a list of trustworthy businesses.

900x464 full color Brainerd Lakes Chamber of Commerce logo

Brainerd Lakes Chamber of Commerce

Crosslake Chamber Logo

Crosslake Chamber of Commerce

Pequot Lakes Chamber of Commerce

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