Minnesota Ready: Businesses are ready to restart our economy, keep us safe

We are calling on Governor Walz to fully reopen all businesses with safety practices no later than Friday, June 19.
Last week, the “Phase 3 dial” was officially turned and many businesses across the state were able to reopen or expand their capacity. While it is a positive step forward, it is simply not enough.
This week, we are joining forces with more than 60 other statewide chambers and business associations to call on Governor Walz to take the final step and safely reopen all businesses no later than June 19. This newly formed coalition and campaign is called Minnesota Ready. We sent a letter to the Governor on Tuesday, June 9th, and his staff has now engaged in conversations.
- The Brainerd Lakes region is tied for the highest number of “non-essential” businesses, those who have been closed the longest. More than 25% of local workers have filed for unemployment.
- Reopening at an arbitrary 25-50% capacity is not enough for many businesses to stay afloat, especially those that depend on tourism.
- With each passing day, our businesses are losing critical summer revenue that cannot be made up in the fall or winter.
- Brainerd Lakes Area businesses still face permanently closure if their funds run out in the offseason.
- Businesses need date certainty and time to plan in order to take full advantage of the remaining summer days, especially the July 4th holiday.
- The vast majority of our businesses have created COVID-19 preparedness plans and enacted safety measures to stop the spread of the virus.
- All neighboring states, including North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and Wisconsin are further ahead of Minnesota in restarting their economies. States like Indiana and Kansas have model programs with dates and safety standards.
We need your help. Once more. Right now.
The finish line is in sight. There is strength in numbers, and your voice can make a difference. Small businesses are the economic engine of our state’s future. Without action, many will be lost. This is not simply a personal loss for business owners. This is a loss to the employees, their communities, their local governments, and the state itself.

Contact Governor Walz Today
Simply fill out the form letter, customize and click send. Tell Governor Walz that you support the full, safe reopening of Minnesota businesses no later than June 19.