2023 Chamber Golf Classic


We are excited to invite you to participate in our 34th Annual Chamber Golf Classic! Held on Thursday, August 3, at Craguns Legacy Courses, this is one of our most anticipated networking events of the summer. Sign up your team for a fun day of networking and golf. Not a golfer? Take the day to promote your business with one of our sponsorship opportunities. We can’t wait to see you on the green!

Team Registration: $1,195 Chamber Members, $1,434 Non-Members

Teams of four players. Included in registration: 18 holes, lunch, 2 carts, and registration for prizes. Also includes Field Game Package: Lakes Proud Ball Drop Challenge (8 balls; 50% payout to winning ball), Skins (80% team payout), 2 Mulligans (1 player re-hit 1 time per Mulligan), Putting Contest (3 attempts per player), Chipping Contest (3 attempts per player).

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